
MUHS Mandate

1. 2022-23 (MUHS LIC Part II)

2. 2023-24 (MUHS LIC Part II)

3. 2024-25 (MUHS LIC Part-II)

4. 2025-26 (MUHS LIC Part-II)

PG Seats available
for Academic Year 2024-25

Sr. No.Name of Subject Total No. of
sanctioned seats
Recognised by
No. of seats to be
filled for the
academic year
2024-25 as per
No. of PG seats for
Institutional Quota
(35%) for the year
Against NRI
seats (15%)
No. of PG seats for
State –NEET PG
2024-25 Quota (50%)

Fees Structure
for Academic Year 2024-25
as duly approved by Fees Regulating Authority,
Govt. of Maharashtra, Mumbai
vide their statement dated 22/08/2024

Sr. No.Name of Subject Fee per year for NEET PG 2024-25
Fee per year for Institutional
NRI/Against NRI
Rs. 9,57,500/-Rs. 28,72,500/-Rs. 38,30,000/-

Mode of Payment of Fees:

For D.D. or Cheque
Beneficiary Name: Sanjeevan Medical Foundation
Payable at Miraj
On any Nationalized Bank


Official website –

About ENT PG Institute


The ENT Department has been initially recognised by National Board of Examinations, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, New Delhi as a Postgraduate Training Institute since 1984 for training PG students for Diplomate NB(Otorhinolaryngology).

From the academic year 1990-91 this PG Training Institute has obtained affiliation from Shivaji University, Kolhapur for training PG candidates for MS(ENT) and DLO(ENT) with intake capacity as follows : MS (ENT) 1 Candidate per year and DLO (ENT) 2 Candidates per year.

In the year 2010 Sanjeevan Medical Foundation ENT Postgraduate Training Institute, Miraj has been recognised by Medical Council of India, New Delhi vide their letter No. MCI-92[22]/2010-Med./33731 dated 12/10/2010 for training PG students for MS(ENT) & DLO(ENT) under Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik with retrospective effect from the academic year 1991-92.

Further renewal of above recognition took place by Medical Council of India, New Delhi in the year 2019 vide their letter No. MCI Letter No.-46(22)/2019-Med/ MCI/178297 dated 21/02/2019 for training PG students for MS(ENT) & DLO(ENT) for a period of 5 years i.e. upto 21/02/2024 under Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik. But as per their new rules, from the academic year 2020-21 PG Diploma Course (DLO) was converted into PG Degree Course i.e. MS(ENT). Hence total intake capacity of PG Degree Course has been increased from 1 to 3 per year.

Sanjeevan Medical Foundation is also recognised/approved as E.N.T. P. G. Training Institute by following Govt. authorities:
  1. NMC/MCI : MCI Letter No.-46(22)/2019-Med/ MCI/178297 dated 21/02/2019
  2. Ministry of Health & F.W. New Delhi Ref. No. U.12012/150/2019-ME I/FTS No.3206840 dated 25/04/2019 Govt. of India Ministry of Health & F.W. New Delhi
  3. Letter No. U12012/347/2019-ME-I(pt10)/FTS-8056522/46 dated 25/07/2020 from Govt. of India Ministry of Health & F.W. New Delhi
  4. Govt of Maharashtra Resolution No. Med1020/Pra. Kra. 67/20/Shikshan-2(2) dated 22/04/2020 Govt. of Maharashtra, Mumbai
  5. Letter of MUHS. Nashik Affiliation bearing No. MUHS/Acad./E-1/PG/102111/257/2024 dated 11/07/2024